Random Acts of Kindness Week is approaching

Random acts of kindness week is coming up. It’s on the week of the 17th. What are some random things you could do to show kindness?

1. Leave money on a vending machine for someone
2. Bake cookies for the elderly
3. Pay for someone’s meal at a restaurant
4. Thank a teacher with a gift
5. Prepare a meal for your family
6. Send a letter to a good friend instead of a text
7. Bring in donuts for your co-workers
8. Leave your waiter a generous tip
9. Spend time with your grandparents
10. Make a family member breakfast in bed
11. Pack someone a lunch for the day
12. Write a kind or encouraging message on a napkin
13. Pay for someone’s morning coffee
14. Post an inspirational quote online
15. Make someone a homemade blanket or scarf
16. Reconnect with old friends
17. Gift a Needle book to someone who likes to sew.


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