Beagle eating my drywall

   This morning I enjoyed drinking a sweet cup of coffee and chatting with my mom who is currently visiting me for a couple of weeks. When suddenly, she pointed down towards the floor and said; "hey look what your dog is doing!" Piper my beagle puppy looked up at me with her doggy smile, wagging her tail innocently. I looked at the corner of the wall where she apparently was chewing away the paint and dry wall. I immediately raised my tone of voice and ordered Piper to her bed letting her know that I was not happy with her behavior. She tucked in her tail and quickly retreated to her safe zone knowing that her momma was not happy with her. 

  My beagles just appear to eat the strangest things. This was not the first time that this has transpired. My Livingroom wall already has the wood underneath the drywall exposed. I bought some citrus spray to keep the puppies away. It helped for a day or two and then they were back to their previous bad behavior. If I don't find a solution soon.... then my two beagles’ may end up remodeling my home and that is not what I want to happen. I've read somewhere that chewing walls gives dogs a sensory enrichment and giving them plenty of toys with discourage them from chewing on walls. My pups have more than enough toys.

  According to Dr. Jeff - dry wall is tasteless and its ingredients are not poisonous to dogs. The drywall however, if consumed in large amounts could cause blockage which would lead to intestinal troubles. So, now my question is what can I do to get my Beagle to stop eating
 dry wall and how can I repair the damage that she has created?

Other Beagle things


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