30 Minute Felt Board

Having all of my quilt blocks in a box just wasn’t working for me. I found a nice large skinny board box in the garage (left over from Christmas), placed white felt on it with a little bit of Elmers school glue. Then, I stapled the sides down to keep the felt nice and flat- making sure I didn’t leave any bumps or waves. On the very back I duck taped all the loose edges. Now it’s perfect for me- for now. It works anyway....

All you need is some felt material and cord board.

I found a nice long skinny box in my garage.

Make sure the fabric will fit over it.

Spread out some glue to hold fabric in place. (I used Elmers glue)

Place fabric on top and smooth out bumps. 

Staple down sides and duck tape the back.

Ta Dah! It’s done


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