North Star Quilt Along

Saw this quilt along pop up on my Facebook feed today and wanted to share it with my fellow quilting friends. I unfortunately do not have time got it right now- due to many other projects and things that need to get done (such as work). But, I thought maybe one of my followers might take a interest in it. 

Here's another free quilt along!!

North Star State Quilt Along Announcement

I'm starting a Quilt Along for my newest pattern! The quilt is North Star State, and I will be posting all the instructions here on my blog over the next several weeks.

You will also be able to download for free, printer friendly instructions from the website as the steps are released on a weekly basis. The complete pattern is also available for purchase now on the website as a PDF download or in print. 

North Star State quilt size 78" x 96"

My target date for launching the Quilt Along is Monday March 15, 2021. Steps will be released weekly thereafter, for a about 8 weeks.

Now is the time to tell all your friends and quilting groups so others can join in and  have fun making this quilt!

If you are unsure of what fabrics you might want to use for your quilt, I will post in the next update, (before the actual Quilt Along start) a couple of other color/fabric options.

Can be made using 5" squares and 2 1/2" strips  newly created for all to share photos of their quilting projects!Hi


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