Prussian DNA

Joined a DNA group through Facebook on „Prussian Genealogy & Heritage/ German, Polish & Lithuanian Roots& DNA“ I thought since Oma Hilde had pictures of some ancestors who were from there - that I might have some DNA connection to a few people. 

Listed are my top 10 using the Ged match program. I used my kit number M705590- names that I am researching are: Schramke, Schmid, Ponce, Graffunder, Schmidt, Merkle, Kümmerer and Lang

Looks like the closest DNA match is 4.57 generations removed. When I run Oma Hildegard’s DNA results- she doesn’t have any close relatives here in the USA. She did mention that when she was a young child an uncle or two did migrate to the United States. She was born in 1927- so it was probably in the 1930‘s or 1940‘s time? 



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