Fun Quilt Challenge

Hello! Happy New Year Everyone! Welcome to 2024 and a new beginning of the Kathryn Kerr 365 Quilt Challenge! 

This is a quick summary of how this works. 

Please remember that the patterns are Kathryn’s original copyrighted patterns and we will make sure posts reflect that. Ask any questions you might have! And, please, find Kathryn’s donation link on her teachable site and send a “thank you” to the artist for her continued dedication to this project! Happy Sewing! 

- The 365 Quilt Challenge gives you one block per day, with a few extras and a birthday block. If you finish a block each day, at the end of 2024, you will have a completed quilt. 
- The final quilt, when completed will be 90” x 90”.
- The patterns begin with easy blocks, and get more difficult as we progress through the year. (This was amazing to me as a new quilter!) 
- Please look through the explanations of how to do certain things like mitered corners (you’re going to learn to love them) and flying geese on the teachable site, separate from the patterns. 
- Details on fabric choices are in the lessons on the teachable site which is linked at the end of this summary.
- Blocks are 6 1/2” and 3 1/2” and are sewn together as you see fit to lay them out. You get to decide where to put them in your final quilt. The exceptions are the four outer blocks, and the center. 
- We are not a group run by Ms. Kerr. We do our best to honor her work and answer any questions regarding the patterns. This group is grateful to her as an artist and will always defer to what we see on her teachable site. 
- Patterns are published daily, and left up for three months at a time. January will stay up, once completed, until April begins. 
- Please share! Our goal this year is to have each block shared by a member daily. So please, share as you go! 
- Group members have suggested the following rulers if you can add them to your quilting tools:
📏📏 - The 6 1/2” Ruler from Creative Grids
📏📏 - The 3 1/2” Ruler also from Creative Grids
📐📐 - The 6 1/2” Half Square Triangle Ruler from Bloc-loc
Join group “here

I’d also like to thank my 2023 Quiltists for all of the shares, the responses, and the kindness you have shown to me and to others! You are so dearly appreciated! You, and this group’s community, have made 2023 a lovely year for me! I am grateful. 

- Finally, have fun choosing your fabrics! Happy Sewing!


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