Hapla Group T2f1

Hapla Group

  Sometimes I think that I should have become a scientist. Genealogy, Family history and DNA are subjects that I find fascinating. I love learning about dominant and recessive genes, punnet squares and blood types. Science & History can be so much fun!

  One of the more recent things I have learned about are Hapla groups. My maternal (matrilineal) Hapla group is T2f1. A matrilineal Hapla group a genetic population group of people who share a common ancestor on the matrilineal (mothers) line. Haplogroups are assigned letters of the alphabet, and refinements consist of additional number and letter combinations. Hapla groups are just a small part of your Ancestry. We all have thousands of Ancestors going back. Haplogroups are one of the only ways to trace your family tree back to the time before surnames were invented. If you are interested in where your family originated from, before records, then haplogroups should be of interest to you. While you can’t use a haplogroup to connect to close relatives in most cases, you can use them learn more about your ancient ancestors. 

  I completed  a DNA test through 23andMe , when the results arrived it listed my maternal hapla group. Since I am a female, only the maternal side for hapla group could be found. Maybe in the future..I might have a my male member of the family complete a test to learn the paternal hapla group. According to 23andMe T2f1 is a relatively common hapla group, it matches 1 in 280 people. T2f1 haplagroup is about 4,000 years old, and traces back to a woman. The T2 Origin is about 19,500 years. It can be traced to a woman who lived nearly 20,000 years ago.

  Meternal Hapla group surnames in my family tree are: Johnson, Schmidt, schmid, Malkusch, Merkle, Schramke & Lange.

  Nicholas II of Russia - The last Russian Tsar, Nicholas II, has been shown to be of Haplogroup T, specifically subclade T2 (Ivanov 1996). Assuming all relevant pedigrees are correct, this includes all female-line descendants of his female line ancestor Barbara of Celje (1390-1451), wife of Sigismund, Holy Roman Emperor.

  Jesse James (1847-1882), a famous American outlaw, from the US state of Missouri. He was a celebrity when he was alive, and became a legendary figure of the Wild West after his death. Jesse James's remains were compared against two maternal relatives and all were found to belong to matrilineal -haplogroup T2.

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