Family in Georgia
Summer 2019
Visiting family in Georgia was delightful. I learned a lot and new memories were made. My brother in-law Buddy is a very insightful person and various conversations were held daily on their nicely screened in back porch. My favorite part of the day was in the evenings talking and sharing stories - creating moments to cherish. My sister in-law Patrice made sure that we had plenty to eat and drink, she is such a genuinely sweet person. (I gained 5lbs. at her house because the food was so good, lol) She took good care of me after I fell and missed a step on the stairs (making sure I kept my foot elevated and iced) - sort of put a damper on sight seeing plans, but we were still able to enjoy the company of each other.
Buddy is also a blogger, but I think he's better at it than I. He gives advice on parenting, marriage and life in general. I will attach a link to his blog if you would like to check it out. Just click "here".
My niece Megan's little boy Luke was a hoot and enjoyed being the center of attention. You can definitely tell that he is the apple of his grandmothers' eye. Whenever we went out shopping... he was on her mind. She would state "Luke would like that". I look forward to the day when I get to have grandbabies nearby - so that I can spoil them, Patrice makes it look like a lot of fun.

(Lunch at a Mexican Restaurant)
I have grandbabies, but they live so far away (sad face). But my daughter Heather did say that she and the kids are coming to visit in August around Dominic's birthday. We still need to pick a theme and start planning. I LOVE PARTIES! Can't wait.
My husband Ed was also able to show off his smoking skills and teach Buddy how to use the Orion smoker. It turned out to be a delicious Beef Tri-tip paired with Morgan's brussel sprouts and soup. Let's not forget Patrice's one of a kind salad.
I learned how creative my other niece Morgan is and she even shared some of her art with me. It was nice to meet another artsy crafty person like me - she also made super awesome desserts. I still need to get some recipes from her. She has a craft page of Facebook, where you can view her art and even order if you like something. Visit her page "here".
Despite my injured leg I kept our schedule pretty packed.... after visiting Patrice and family we had two more places to stop. First stop was Brittnee! My sweet beautiful Brittnee, she is my best friends daughter. I have known Brittnee for a long time and it's been wonderous watching her growing up into the smart intellectual person she is today. We enjoyed a nice lunch at General Muir, with her in Atlanta, Georgia. We all had burgers. Ed and I had our burgers without the bun due to our low carb diet.

Links to visit:
Buddy Blog
Buddy is also a blogger, but I think he's better at it than I. He gives advice on parenting, marriage and life in general. I will attach a link to his blog if you would like to check it out. Just click "here".
My niece Megan's little boy Luke was a hoot and enjoyed being the center of attention. You can definitely tell that he is the apple of his grandmothers' eye. Whenever we went out shopping... he was on her mind. She would state "Luke would like that". I look forward to the day when I get to have grandbabies nearby - so that I can spoil them, Patrice makes it look like a lot of fun.
(Lunch at a Mexican Restaurant)
My husband Ed was also able to show off his smoking skills and teach Buddy how to use the Orion smoker. It turned out to be a delicious Beef Tri-tip paired with Morgan's brussel sprouts and soup. Let's not forget Patrice's one of a kind salad.
(Ed carving Beef Tri-tip)
I learned how creative my other niece Morgan is and she even shared some of her art with me. It was nice to meet another artsy crafty person like me - she also made super awesome desserts. I still need to get some recipes from her. She has a craft page of Facebook, where you can view her art and even order if you like something. Visit her page "here".
Our second stop was with some family that I found on I was able to connect with my kids' great aunt Sandy, who is the sister of their great grand-father on their paternal side. She was a real treasure find and shared bunches of pictures with me. Genealogy is one of my other hobbies. I still have a bunch to learn from her.
I found, or actually she found me..... after I posted a picture of her brother on our family tree online. She recognized her brothers picture and messaged me immediately. She was so happy to find my email and I was able to connect her to her nieces and nephews that she lost touch of long ago. It feels wonderful to know that I was able to connect lost relatives. She had stated that she had wished for 50 years that she would hear something about her brothers children and I was able to fullfil that wish.
I found, or actually she found me..... after I posted a picture of her brother on our family tree online. She recognized her brothers picture and messaged me immediately. She was so happy to find my email and I was able to connect her to her nieces and nephews that she lost touch of long ago. It feels wonderful to know that I was able to connect lost relatives. She had stated that she had wished for 50 years that she would hear something about her brothers children and I was able to fullfil that wish.
It was my first time meeting Sandy, Eddie and Alisia in person. They were very hospitable and cooked us a nice evening dinner paired with wine. Alisia was very entertaining and reminded me a lot of our daughter Kirstin. I loved how she would joke around with us, as if she had known us forever.
Unfortunately, we didn’t get a photo of Eddie, he was a pretty cool guy. My husband Ed was fascinated with his stories.
Sandy has this cute little Chiweenie mix named Bella or sometimes called bellybutton - she was really cute. I've never heard of a dog called bellybutton before, but it is an adorable name and fits her well. She can also stand on her two back feet and beg waving her front paws infront of her. I need to teach my pups that trick.
The houses in Georgia are beautiful! I didn't really notice a lot of brick homes like we have here in central Texas. Looking forward to our next visit.
Links to visit:
Buddy Blog
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