June 12th
Here is a blurry picture of my kids‘ great- grandparents. They fell in love during WWII and had 5 children together. Unfortunately, they never did get married.
I learned for the first time today that June 12th is called #Lovingday - see here why - https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/5326018002
After learning about this day- it made me think of my kids‘ great-grandparents and how things were during those days. They have their own story and maybe one day I will share it with you.
Ancestry Research - http://simplystefaniestuff.blogspot.com/p/ancestry-research.html?m=1
National loving day- https://www.google.com/amp/s/nationaltoday.com/national-loving-day/amp/
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