Linus Project Quilt

Picked up a bag on donated fabric to complete a quilt for the Linus Project. It introduced the Flip & Sew method which I have never tried before. I read the directions- but I’m the kind of person that also needs pictures. I was lucky enough to find some videos online. 

Since I couldn’t find any step- by step directions with pictures I decided to blog my steps. It’s also a new challenge for me and something new to try. 

First I had to iron the fabric that came in the bag. 

Pictured is the back panel, can’t really tell which is the right side or wrong side- so I’m just going to pick a random side to start with. 

I measured the back panel and it was a perfect 46” square. 
Then I looked through my fabric scraps in the closet and found some batting. I cut the batting slightly larger than the panel. 

Seven strips of  7” x 46” strips for the front panel.

Start in the middle and move to the right. It was recommended to use a walking food- but I don’t have one of those yet. So for now I will just use what I have. 

Pin and repeat on other side. 

I clipped the sides to help it stay together while sewing. 

After adding all the strips, square fabric and prepare binding. 

Fold in half and iron. 

Measurements of fabric needed:

Back panel 46” square
46” or larger batting
Seven strips of  7” x 46” strips 


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