What I have learned about Quilting
I want to share something a little deep. I want to share what I have learned about myself while starting this love/ hate journey with quilting. I started quilting about 7 years ago. I started like most people, Squares/ Rail fences. Progressed to triangles and so on. With each quilt I challenged myself to learn something new. I am by no means a professional quilter. But, after all these years, my mind was wondering this morning looking at a quilt. I remember starting this journey. I thought I would never get this quilting thing. Look at me now. Years later. I'm still trying to develop my craft. What have I learned along the way?
1) Patience. Not only with others ...mainly with myself
2) Learn from my mistakes. Humble yourself.
3) No one and/or nothing is perfect. And not one of my quilts will ever win a prize. But that is ok!
4) Don't be afraid to try new things
5) Art is in the eye of the beholder. Not everyone is going to like what you create. That's ok. The ones that do like your art make up for the ones that don't.
6) If it makes your heart happy ... Smile
7) Be proud of yourself. You accomplished something that others can't.

9) Do not feel ashamed to reach out and ask for help. No one in this life got better by themselves. We need each other. Teamwork makes the dream work!
10) Reach out and help people. That's what it's all about. Teaching. Helping. Learning. And giving back.
I hope this helps all the new quilters. And those of us that beat ourselves up looking at our quilts and wondering if it's pretty. It is. It's a piece of us.
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