Quote of the day

A message for the heartbroken:

I’m sorry. I’m so sorry that you have to sit there, tears streaming from your sad eyes, crying all alone. All the while telling everyone that you’re fine and you’ll be ok, as you say it shakily with a lump in your throat. 

I’m sorry you’re hurting. I wish I could take it from you so you don’t have to feel it. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Not even the one who hurt me so deeply.

I won’t tell you everything’s going to be ok. I won’t convince you how strong you are. I won’t tell you you deserve better. Because you a. I will simply sit here and cry with you. Because I, too, am heartbroken.

Cry. Be sad. 

We know there are karmic debts. Yes. We don’t need to be reminded. We know there are lessons in every event that plays out in our life. Intuitively, we even know exactly what they are. But it doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt.

It doesn’t make you less “enlightened” to allow yourself to experience the pain and acknowledge you’re grieving. And it doesn’t make you stubborn or resistant when you don’t want to hear all of the cushion statements from others. They just want to help. You know that. 

But for now, be sad. Be heartbroken. Lean on those who can be rooted for your windfall of emotions.


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