My Beagle Daisy is going on a diet

Today is day one of Daisy‘s journey to weight loss. Today I measured her belly and our goal will be to go on more walks because the backyard is not providing enough exercise for her. Unfortunately, living in Texas our walks will have to take place in the evening. I don’t want her paws to get burned. 

My recommended health goal: I need to make sure I am  focusing on eating out less, avoiding fried foods, low-fat or no fat dairy, eating more fruits, vegetables and lean meats (chicken, turkey, fish). It is also recommended that I take Omega 3 fish 2,000mg 1-2 times a day which has shown to help reduce cholesterol and triglycerides.

-I will need emphasize lifestyle modifications to reduce risk factors.

:A diet emphasizing intake of vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, whole grains, and fish is recommended.

:A diet containing reduced amounts of cholesterol and sodium can be beneficial.

: Replacement of saturated fat with dietary mono- and poly- unsaturated fats can be beneficial

:minimizing the intake of trans fats, processed meats, refined carbohydrates, and sweetened beverages as part of a heart healthy diet is reasonable.

Exercise at least 4+ times a week lasting 30+ minutes per session.



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