Embroidery Tape

What Kind of Tape Do I Use?

If you’re working on a Project with a zipper or one that requires fabric to be placed on the underside of the hoop, the instructions suggest to tape it down. The question then asked by many is “What kind of tape do I use?”

Every embroiderer has their favorite type of tape! The list below has been compiled from actual comments. This long list of tapes tells us that there is no right or wrong answer to the question “What kind of tape do I use?” I recommend that you try a few and see what works best for you. I have avoided mentioning brand names as most of the tapes are marketed by several companies.

Also, here are some hints when taping:

-Use multiple pieces of tape to secure the zipper or piece of fabric -Use pieces that are long enough to secure the zipper of fabric -Tape so that it is not in the path of a stitching line
- Washi Tape
- A paper crafters tape
- Easy to remove
Transpor Medical Tape/Surgical Tape/Micropore Tape
-Holds tight — Adheres well — Stays put -Easy to remove
-Does not gum up needle
-Can reuse each piece a few times -Tears neatly
Blue or Green Painters Tape
-Doesn’t leave any residue
-Can reuse each piece a few times
Transparent Tape/Scotch Tape
-Can reuse a few times
-Some types are sticky on both sides
Water Soluble Double Sided Tape
-Water Soluble
-Double Sided
-Secure hold while being invisible -No need to remove
Paper Medical tape
Tears easily
Masking Tape
-Easy to remove
Double sided basting tape
-Washes away
Pink Embroidery Tape
-Strong but removable


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