Batting Scraps

Tip of the day:

If you have large batting scraps they can be used for mug rugs or even on a Swiffer. Picks up dust super easy. I’ve also saved my scraps to put inside soft dog toys or stuffies. 

If you zig zag them you can put them together for frankenbatting. Use them like regular batting. I make orphan block mug rugs when I have smaller pieces. When they are too small to use I shred them with my cutter to use for washable/dryable stuffed toys.

  Batting scraps can also be used to stuff ornaments. 

Batting scraps can also be used for Cat toys.  Use scrap material and sew “mice”, stuff with dried catnip and batting.  I donate them to rescues, shelters, fosters, list them on rescue auction sites on FB…crafters helping animals is a great group that holds auctions and 100% of the funds raised go to the rescues.

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