Stencils & Quilting

Today’s Tip!
They don’t have to be expensive. Look through colouring books, does, your kids have some colouring books, less detail pictures the better. Sometimes, you can get themes, so everything matches,-from colouring books. Dollar stores! Or if your an artist. Draw it yourself on paper! You can use plastic lids, from big ice cream pails, or small, margarine lids, I will use a Heart ❤️for an example, cut a heart shape, or use a colouring book paper page, cut around the outside, of the heart, place on plastic lid, draw around with a marker, or pen, cut the lid, to the marker shape! / There’s one stencil, Done. If you use a marker, make sure it is dry, before placing on fabric, so you don’t get marker on your quilt.
Mylar, can be used as well.  Some quilting stores, sell it, there in long sheets. Or Geological supplies, where maps are sold. Also works well, plastic pages from old book reports. Or new ones at staples., their water proofs  as well.


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