Thread Scraps

  Thread can be reused/ recycled many different ways. I'd seen somewhere where someone thinned down Elmers Glue and worked their threads into a solution then put it onto a Saran-wrap covered bowl to dry.  The finished product gave a colorful solid bowl.  I also saw on Pinterest people have made Easter eggs using balloons. Just pop the balloons once the thread and glue have dried. 

Do you know any backpackers? Or people who like to camp?  Cotton thread is awesome fire starter material! Save your empty toilet rolls, dryer lint and fill them with thread. 

Make a heart and stuff the inside of the heart with the thread. Then you have stuffing for the heart and can put it in a stuffed animal, or use it for stuffing along with little scraps of material. I’ve been using mine to stuff a homemade pin cushion. I've sandwiched the clippings between a piece of fabric and something sheer like toile, hoop it then using a stippling pattern. It makes interesting blocks for patchwork, pockets, etc. Really fun to do, no 2 alike

You can make your own paper, or fire starters(mix with dryer lint and poor wax over) in cardboard egg cartons. You can put them in handmade paper too.  It’s beautiful.

Fill clear ornaments- Sometimes you can find clear ornaments at the dollar tree or your local Wal-Mart. 

Make a scarf- Use water soluble stabilizer to hold in place to sew them into a fabric to make a scarf.  Kinda crouch them on then wash away stabilizer.  Pretty scarf.  Add a few shiny threads to.  Use disappearing fusable ( when put in water) and free motion all the threads together for a thread table runner Add ribbons and bits of other yarns.

Neck wrap- very easy but amazing how much thread they take. Place (water soluble plastic) solvy sheet just a bit ĺarger than finished length  add lots and lots of layers of cotton thread. Place another layer of the solvy on top to make a sandwich and sew on sewing machine backwards and forwards many times . When done wash in hot water to disolve the outer layers. Great fun and quite a novel neck wrap. 

Recycle your thread into Art.

Put them in a mold and make you a clear epoxy paperweight.  It will show all of your hard work & will double as a piece of art!

Well, Sweet Pea Embroidery Designs has this design where you can create your own fabric block ITH. It will be awesome to add the thread under the top sheet fabric. Look at this!

Please do not put outside for the birds to get tangled around their legs. put in an old jar or fuse together to make a covering for a side table.

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