July Reflection

Setting goals is an integral part of life. 

Hello, June and Summer break! I haven’t been able to keep up with my crafting like I wanted - so my unfinished list is very long. I lost my motivation this year- and trying to get it back. I just have not had the energy this year. Every school year seems to be getting harder! 

I would like to very much get one of these projects of my list - but I also have some cleaning and un-cluttering projects on my to-do list for the summer. It’s time to let go of some stuff I have been keeping too long in the garage. 

Here is a list of my current projects, incomplete projects and projects on hold:

1. Michelle’s Bear Claw Quilt (9 out of 40 completed)

2. Star Scrappy Quilt (8 out of 50 completed)

3. Diamonds are forever Scrappy Quilt (7 out of 40 completed)

4. Gray Fall Quilt

5. Skull Quilt

6. 365 Quilt Challenge ( January - March completed)

7. Chair / Box Make-over

8. Mom’s Painting

9. Epoxy Experiment making coasters

10. 9-Patch

11. Ladder Quilt (19 out of 26)

12. Nicole's Quilt

13. Color‘s of the Rainbow Quilt

14. Hunter’s Star Quilt

15. Star Blocks Quilt

16. Hexies & Hexie Pin cushion 

17. Family Reunion Quilt 2023

18. Swap Events

  In the quilting world unfinished projects are called UFO’s (Unfinished Objects). I obviously have a bunch of those – and really need to get a few off my list. Let’s not count all those other projects that I’m saving on my Pinterest board titled; “Weekend Projects”.

  I already scheduled one day a month (1st Saturday) for my unfinished quilt blocks. Maybe, typing them up in this blog and adding them to my to-do list might help? How are you doing with your projects? Do you have a way of staying on task and getting them done? Do you get bored easily with repetitive patterns and have to move to something else? Do you maybe overthink things like I do and just set them aside for later? Let me know in the comments, I would love to hear from you.




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I enjoy sharing my love of stamping, teaching and genealogy with you.  If you use an idea, you have seen here on my site, please spread the love and refer to where you have seen it on my blog. 



Color‘s of the Rainbow 
Hunter’s Star Quilt
Star Blocks 


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